Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Ministry of Truth

Representative Maurice Hinchey (D-New York) has a great idea. He believes that the current mass media monopolies should be broken up. He has introduced H.R. 3302 (MORA).
"New bill would break up media monopolies & restore fairness doctrine."
Representative Maurice Hinchey
Currently, the "internets" and it's "series of tubes" is my primary news source because most times, I feel as if I am missing the full story when I watch the major news networks.

Corporate media giants are not content with the monopolization of radio, print and television. The assault on the internet has begun with the questioning of "network neutrality." If they get their way, little websites like mine could relegated to the slow lane on the internet, or be pushed out the exit ramp of the information superhighway.

Read the Rep. Hinchey story here.

If you are unconcerned about the whole mass media monopoly situation, then perhaps you should watch "Orwell Rolls Over in His Grave."

Thanks for reading the crap i typed.


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