Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chomsky on Iran, Iraq, and the Rest of the World

I received an email from a good friend. Here is the text of the email, and the accompanying article that the text refers to. I feel it is important.
My best friend here in Korea is Iranian named Kayoo and his brother Hedi. Check out and the Chomsky interview from Feb. 21. We gotta get this shit out. I agree totally with Noam on this one and we gotta do what we can to block any war with Iran.

It is important to note is that the religious leader Khamenei is in CONTROL of what goes on there and he's on record as saying that "a nuclear bomb is against Islam". My friends are Muslim, know that my mother is Catholic, and we get on just fine. We talk about all kinds of shit all the time. This idea that people from Iran and America don’t want to talk is bullshit. Perhaps the wrong people are talking.

Iraq had 10+ years to make, distribute, and deploy weapons and didn’t and we caused untold tragedy there. What about Iran? What have they done outside of their agreement? Jack shit.

I love my country but I care about people more and nobody in Iran nor Korea wants war. All those assholes aligned with O.I.L. (Occupation Iraq Liberation) want another excuse. Let's not give it to them. I wouldn't write this brother if I didn't feel it was important but you know as well as I do the internet is the only way we can do this.

Get it out there and let the people decide for themselves if some country tucked away in the Middle East REALLY wants to fuck with us or if this is just another attempt at gaining access to some diminishing energy supply that will eventually erode within the next 50+ years. I guess the question is this: Do Americans really want to go to war over 50+years of energy or do WE wish to negotiate about energy for 50000+ years?

You know my answer.

Take care, brother, and thanks for the mail
Noam Chomsky is a noted linguist, author, and foreign policy expert. On February 9, Michael Shank interviewed him on the latest developments in U.S. policy toward Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and Venezuela. Along the way, Chomsky also commented on climate change, the World Social Forum, and why international relations are run like the mafia.

Thanks for reading the crap i typed.


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