Monday, September 11, 2006

5 Years Later

Five years ago today, the World Trade Center was destroyed, and thousands of people were killed. It was a horrible event that unfolded live on TV. A few days later, President Bush got up on the rubble and essentially said that we would get the terrorist. He also said that the US would rebuild. So here is what has been rebuilt.

I admit that this picture is from 2004. My parents went to NYC this summer, and my father's assessment of the WTC location was that "it is just a big hole in the ground."

Bush went on TV today but I could not stomach his stupid monkey face. Honestly, I usually watch his addresses because for any debate, you must be well informed. But today, it really made me sick to think that 5 years later no momument has been errected to honor the men and women who persished that day. The US has shown the terrorists that we cannot even rebuild a building. That is not good news for the people of New Orleans.

So, I didn't watch Bush's speech tonight, but I have read a few news stories about the speech. I don't know whether he addressed the fact that 5 years later there is still no building or memorial to honor those that lost their lives that day. From what I have read about tonight's speech, it sounded like he's still trying to convince everyone that Iraq was a good decision. Again, it makes me sick. A real president once said this about another American tragedy.

"...we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract."

--The Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln 1863

Then again, it's unfair to compare a man who has trouble speaking English with Abraham Lincoln.

So, 5 years later we still have not caught Osama Bin Laden. We have not rebuilt the buildings or built a memorial to the dead. We've been side tracked in Iraq, and Afganistan is getting worse. This is a 9/11 memorial in Afganistan. Check out how well things are going.

Heck of a Job, Bushie!

Thanks for reading the crap i typed.


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