Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Ron Paul Effect on Fox News

Faux News "You Decide 2008" viewers have spoken up about Tuesday night's GOP Presidential debate, and unfortunately for Faux News, the result was not what they wanted to hear.
Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who ignited controversy at the debate with remarks that U.S. policy had invited the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, came in second with 25 percent. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who strongly admonished Paul for his comments, came in third place with 19 percent. Arizona Sen. John McCain, who is the frontrunner in South Carolina polls, came in sixth with 5 percent.

GOP Debate Text-Vote Results

— 29% Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney

— 25% Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas

— 19% Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani
--Faux News

So, in typical fashion, they just went ahead and made up the news. Somehow, Faux News declared Rudy Giuliani to be the top GOP Presidential candidate. Polls and the people be damned! See the Faux "You Decide" Poll page.

Faux's Presidential coverage should be titled, "Faux Decides 2008" because Faux is not listening to it's viewers. Personally, I watch Faux as little as possible because, despite what the medical establishment tells us, I believe stupid is contagious.

When Ron Paul injected reason into the GOP Debate by saying essentially that U.S. foreign policy had led to 9/11, Faux News came out swinging with it's "crazy right" and "not so left" attack hacks Hannity and Colmes.

Hannity, "How dare you...911...blah, blah, blah."

And not to be out done, Colmes, "How dare you...anti-abortion...yada, yada, yada." Fair and balanced? Hardly.

Attack Hacks Hannity and Colmes

For the benefit of the Faux News crowd, Ron Paul was referring to "blowback."

Michael Scheuer, the former head analyst at the CIA’s bin Laden unit, has weighed in on the controversy surrounding the Republican Presidential debate held Tuesday May 15, when Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) stated that American foreign policy was a “contributing factor” in the 9/11 attacks.

Again, Ron Paul won the MSNBC Poll, and the ABC News Poll. And Paul was doing very well in the Faux News Poll before they pulled the plug. So, how does Faux News and the GOP respond?

Michigan Republican party chairman Saul Anuzis says he will circulate a petition among Republican National Committee members to ban Paul from more debates.

Pat Buchanan, a true Reagan Republican, has also weighed in on the state of the GOP, and the Gooliani-Paul debate "controversy."

Ron Paul is no TV debater. But up on that stage in Columbia, he was speaking intolerable truths. Understandably, Republicans do not want him back, telling the country how the party blundered into this misbegotten war.

By all means, throw out of the debate the only man who was right from the beginning on Iraq.
Thanks for reading the crap i typed.


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