Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mat McBriar Kicks Ass

The best player on the Dallas Cowboys has been re-signed to a five-year deal. I don't joke. Mat McBriar is the most consistently good player on the Dallas Cowboys.

Dallas Cowboys

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Olbermann Makes Rice Pudding

Keith Olbermann shreds Condoleezza Rice in his Special Comment on February 26, 2007.

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Apple Pie

Eve did eat from the tree of knowledge before Adam.
The landmark observation also supports the long-debated proposition that females -- the main makers and users of spears among the Senegalese chimps -- tend to be the innovators and creative problem solvers in primate culture.
For First Time, Chimps Seen Making Weapons for Hunting
--The Washington Post

We got the short changed on the whole brain thing.

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Operation Falcon and the Looming Police State

This is a must read editorial by Mike Whitney on Information Clearing House. It is chilling.

Operation Falcon and the Looming Police State by Mike Whitney

Also, here is a link to the Department of Justice's website on Operation Falcon.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

--Pastor Martin Niemöller
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Darth Vader Is A Punk-Ass Bitch

A hilarious parody of Star Wars by Adult Swim.

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Support Our Troops?

A report on the disgraceful treatment of our wounded soldiers.

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Rumsfeld Admits It?

Donald Rumsfeld comes clean on what actually happened to flight 93 on 9/11. He says it was "shot down."

Watch it:

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The Redirection

Is the Administration’s new policy benefitting our enemies in the war on terrorism?
--The New Yorker
Iran Contra all over again?

Watch the interview of Seymour Hersh by Wolf Blitzer at Crooks and Liars.

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Freedom to Fascism

A great documentary by Aaron Russo about whether or not there is a law requiring Americans to pay an income tax.

Freedom to Fascism

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Joe Lieberman "Comes Out of the Closet"

Read it for yourself.
Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut told the Politico on Thursday that he has no immediate plans to switch parties but suggested that Democratic opposition to funding the war in Iraq might change his mind.
--The Politico

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Top Ten Bush Moments

President stupid-monkey-face's top 10 moments.

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Drug Money

Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) says that it's just a coincidence that he and eight other lawmakers received donations of $5,000 each from Merck lobbyists just a few days before mandating the drug giant's HPV cervical cancer vaccine for all females in Texas ages 12 and up.
--The Raw Story
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The Denial Machine

This documentary shows how fossil fuel corporations have kept the global warming debate alive long after most scientists believed that global warming was real and had potentially catastrophic consequences. It shows that companies such as Exxon Mobil are working with top public relations firms and using many of the same tactics and personnel as those employed by Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds to dispute the cigarette-cancer link in the 1990s. Exxon Mobil sought out those willing to question the science behind climate change, providing funding for some of them, their organizations and their studies.

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The Future of Food

This a must watch documentary on the future of the world's food supply. It is a revealing look at genetic engineering, patenting of organisms, and corporate consolidation of earth's food supply.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

One Crazy Humvee Ride in Iraq

Support our troops. Bring them home.

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"Gimme some sugar, baby."

With all the stink about Iran funding insurgents in Iraq, this very important piece of news has gotten very little attention from the news networks.

Our "good allies" from Saudi Arabia have also been funding the insurgency.

You know Saudi Arabia, they are the good people that brought us the twelve 9/11 hijackers, and their mastermind, Osama bin Laden.

Why don't we go after Saudi Arabia too?
[In a passionate moment of romance]
"Gimme some sugar, baby."

--Ash from the classic movie "Army of Darkness"
Oh yeah, I 'memmer now.

Read the USA Today article. (Thanks Jeff)
CAIRO (AP) — Private Saudi citizens are giving millions of dollars to Sunni insurgents in Iraq and much of the money is used to buy weapons, including shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles, according to key Iraqi officials and others familiar with the flow of cash.
--USA Today
Here's another photo for your enjoyment. I call this one,"Bush and his lover." LOL, don't show these photos to Tim Hardaway.

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Chomsky on Iran, Iraq, and the Rest of the World

I received an email from a good friend. Here is the text of the email, and the accompanying article that the text refers to. I feel it is important.
My best friend here in Korea is Iranian named Kayoo and his brother Hedi. Check out and the Chomsky interview from Feb. 21. We gotta get this shit out. I agree totally with Noam on this one and we gotta do what we can to block any war with Iran.

It is important to note is that the religious leader Khamenei is in CONTROL of what goes on there and he's on record as saying that "a nuclear bomb is against Islam". My friends are Muslim, know that my mother is Catholic, and we get on just fine. We talk about all kinds of shit all the time. This idea that people from Iran and America don’t want to talk is bullshit. Perhaps the wrong people are talking.

Iraq had 10+ years to make, distribute, and deploy weapons and didn’t and we caused untold tragedy there. What about Iran? What have they done outside of their agreement? Jack shit.

I love my country but I care about people more and nobody in Iran nor Korea wants war. All those assholes aligned with O.I.L. (Occupation Iraq Liberation) want another excuse. Let's not give it to them. I wouldn't write this brother if I didn't feel it was important but you know as well as I do the internet is the only way we can do this.

Get it out there and let the people decide for themselves if some country tucked away in the Middle East REALLY wants to fuck with us or if this is just another attempt at gaining access to some diminishing energy supply that will eventually erode within the next 50+ years. I guess the question is this: Do Americans really want to go to war over 50+years of energy or do WE wish to negotiate about energy for 50000+ years?

You know my answer.

Take care, brother, and thanks for the mail
Noam Chomsky is a noted linguist, author, and foreign policy expert. On February 9, Michael Shank interviewed him on the latest developments in U.S. policy toward Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and Venezuela. Along the way, Chomsky also commented on climate change, the World Social Forum, and why international relations are run like the mafia.

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Female Pakistani Minister Shot Dead

Pakistan is a scary country.

LAHORE, Pakistan, Feb 20 (Reuters) - A suspected Islamist zealot opposed to women in politics shot dead a Pakistani provincial government minister at a political meeting on Tuesday, officials said.

Zil-e-Huma, social welfare minister of the Punjab government and a supporter of President Pervez Musharraf, was about to give a speech to dozens of people when the lone attacker shot her in the head.

Article: Pakistan Times

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

WMD's Found!

The BBC's done what the U.S. government and U.S. military couldn't do. The BBC found weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East.

They're in Israel.

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Monday, February 19, 2007

Against The War, Before They Were For It

WTF?! Lying-ass-flip-floppers!

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Memo: Stop Teaching Evolution

Texas House Appropriations Committee Chairman Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, is an idiot.

Mr. Chisum supports a memo written by Rep. Ben Bridges of Georgia. In this memo, Mr. Bridges claims that evolution is an indoctrination into an ancient Jewish sect's beliefs.

All though in his defense, Mr. Chisum says that Mr. Bridges of Georgia does not reflect his views, but then, Mr. Chisum goes on to say this,
"...I'm a Christian, and I believe in creation."

So I guess it was all just an assault on the theory of evolution.

Mr. Chisum finally sticks his foot in his mouth all the way and says this:
"You ought to teach creation as well as the fact of evolution," Mr. Chisum said, though he said "all of those kinds of sciences have holes in them. ... But I'm not about teaching religion in schools."

--Dallas Morning News
Stupid fool.

Here's some photographic evidence of the theory of evolution.

(I kid...)

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Corporation

I believe this is one of the best and most important documentary films to be made in many years.

This is an extraordinary film about the creation of the American corporation, its legal organizational model, its global economic dominance and its psychopathic tendencies, and its incredible ambition to influence every aspect of culture in its unrelenting pursuit of profit.

After viewing this film, it becomes all too evident that these large corporations have too much power, whose mandate is not the common good of the people, and who will go to any lengths, legally and otherwise, in the pursuit of profit and the bottom line.

--Reviewer: C. Middleton (Australia)

The Corporation Movie Part 1

The Corporation Movie Part 2

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Tim "Homophobe" Hardaway

"It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again".
--Jame 'Buffalo Bill' Gumb from "Silence of the Lambs"
Good one, pendejo.


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New Canadian Anti-Tank Missile

Our neighbor to the north has a new French anti-tank missile for use by ground troops.

From what I can tell, the way it works is that the gunner fires the missile. His buddies then pick it up, and run towards the tank.

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Flashbang Thrown at Sheep

I'm not with PETA, but flashbanging sheep is cruel and counterproductive.

If you watch closely, you can see that there is a sheepherder standing nearby. No doubt this action by our soldiers is not winning his heart and mind.

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Update: James Brown Still Not Buried

54 days since his death the Godfather of Soul has still not been buried. In case you were wondering, that's almost 2 months.

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State by Alex Jones

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TerrorStorm by Alex Jones

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Don't Do It, Mr. President

It’s a bad idea.
There’s no need for it.
There’s great danger in doing it.
America is against it, and Congress should be.
The United Nations is against it.
The Russians, the Chinese, the Indians, and the Pakistanis are against it.
The whole world is against it.
Our allies are against it.
Our enemies are against it.
The Arabs are against it.
The Europeans are against it.
The Muslims are against it.
We don’t need to do this.
The threat is overblown.
The plan is an hysterical reaction to a problem that does not yet exist.
Hysteria is never a good basis for foreign policy.
Don’t we ever learn?
Have we already forgotten Iraq?
The plan defies common sense.
If it’s carried out, the Middle East, and possibly the world, will explode.
Oil will soar to over $100 a barrel, and gasoline will be over $5 a gallon.
Despite what some think, it won’t serve the interests of Israel.
Besides-- it’s illegal.
It’s unconstitutional.
And you have no moral authority to do it.
We don’t need it.
We don’t want it.
So, Mr. President, don’t do it.
Don’t bomb Iran!
The moral of the story, Mr. Speaker, is this: if you don’t have a nuke, we’ll threaten to attack you. If you do have a nuke, we’ll leave you alone. In fact, we’ll probably subsidize you. What makes us think Iran does not understand this?

--Hon. Ron Paul Of Texas
Before the U.S. House of Representatives 02/06/07

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Money Trumps Peace

Well, he finally came out and said it at today's press conference. Freudian slip?
Question - A lot of our allies in Europe do a lot of business with Iran, so I wonder what your thoughts are about how you further tighten the financial pressure on Iran, in particular, if it also means economic pain for a lot of our allies?

THE PRESIDENT: It's an interesting question. One of the problems -- not specifically on this issue, just in general -- let's put it this way, money trumps peace, sometimes. In other words, commercial interests are very powerful interests throughout the world. And part of the issue in convincing people to put sanctions on a specific country is to convince them that it's in the world's interest that they forgo their own financial interest.

Read it for yourself.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Republic Party

Rep. Anthony Weiner lets the "Republic" party have a taste of their own medicine.

I really thought that when President Bush referred to the Democratic party as the "Democrat party", it was all because he was a stupid monkey faced dumbass, but I was wrong. Turns out, that intentionally referring to the Democratic party as the "Democrat" party was, in fact, a way to verbally slam the Democratic Party.

Kudos to Rep. Anthony Weiner!

Watch it.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Dick Cheney "Loves" You Too...

Star Wars and That '70s Show Rock!

That '70s Show Star Wars spoof. Classic.

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Chinook Helicopter Shot Down

I'm no general, but six helicopter losses in 3 weeks?

It is fairly obvious that recent U.S. helicopter losses are due to some kind of surface-to-air missile.

Chinook helicopter shot down on February 7, 2007.

Houston Chronicle - "General: 'People are making too much' of helicopter crashes"

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Lets Give Philly a "Honorary" Super Bowl Trophy

"The division's team's histories, and current statistics have caused many analysts to refer to the NFC East as the toughest division in the NFL."
"NFC East teams have a combined 18 Super Bowl appearances and a combined 10 wins, which is the most out of any division in the NFL."
--Wikipedia: NFC East

The Eagles are the only NFC East team that does not have a Super Bowl win.


Funny stuff, by Halen88 on YouTube.

Lets Give Philly a "Honorary" Super Bowl Trophy

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Brian Moorman gets "jacked up"

I thought it was just the Pro Bowl. You know, it's just for fun, but not to Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor.

Check out the vicious hit on Buffalo Bills punter Brian Moorman.

Brian Moorman gets "jacked up"

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Playing with Fire

We're also playing a dangerous game in Iran. Read the Newsweek article.
Feb. 19, 2007 issue - Jalal Sharafi was carrying a videogame, a gift for his daughter, when he found himself surrounded. On that chilly Sunday morning, the second secretary at the Iranian Embassy in Baghdad had driven himself to the commercial district of Arasat Hindi to checkout the site for a new Iranian bank. He had ducked into a nearby electronics store with his bodyguards, and as they emerged four armored cars roared up and disgorged at least 20 gunmen wearing bulletproof vests and Iraqi National Guard uniforms. They flashed official IDs, and manhandled Sharafi into one car. Iraqi police gave chase, guns blazing. They shot up one of the other vehicles, capturing four assailants who by late last week had yet to be publicly identified. Sharafi and the others disappeared.
--Newsweek - Rumors of War
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U.S. Launches Artillery Into Pakistan

We're playing with fire, Mr. Bush.
(AP) Asserting a right to self-defense, American forces in eastern Afghanistan have launched artillery rounds into Pakistan to strike Taliban fighters who attack remote U.S. outposts, the commander of U.S. forces in the region said Sunday.

CBS News - U.S. Launches Artillery Into Pakistan

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

MediaCart -- Coming to a Supermarket Near You

Yes, it's coming soon. An "intelligent" shopping cart that will make life easier for you by helping to guide you though the store. It will also suggest and display Ads for products that you may wish to purchase.

The MediaCart is currently being tested in a mock grocery store test lab in Frisco, Texas. The cart works off of RFID technology embedded in the store shelves. The cart features a video screen that will display Ads based on your location in the store.

Of course, this new innovation is meant to improve and expedite the shopping experience. In fact, 87% of the of the 150 test shoppers said they would prefer shopping at a MediaCart equipped store.

The end result is that this device
"...will give you(marketers) second-by-second data on shopping habits, dwell times, what aisles shoppers go down."
The TXCN report I saw on the MediaCart said that it would even be able to keep a running total on items in your cart. So, this device knows what goes into it too.

If you couple MediaCart with new RFID equipped national ID cards, then the supermarket will know who you are, how long you spend in the isle, and what you put into your cart all in real time. That is before you even present your debit card to pay for your items!

Read the article at Advertising Age.
(Hint: Use Mozilla Firefox's BugMeNot to log into the site.)

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Friday, February 09, 2007

North American Union

I normally can't stand to watch the Lou Dobbs TV show on CNN, but Mr. Dobbs' report on the plan by the Council on Foreign Relation for a North American Union is a must see.

Mr. Dobbs' assertive questioning of Robert Pastor, and of the secretive plan by the Council on Foreign Relations to form a North American Union with Mexico and Canada without Congressional oversight, voter approval, or public awareness is impressive and shocking.

Robert Pastor is the co-chairman of an independent task force sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations.

Watch it:

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Painful Deceptions

Another eye opening 9-11 documentary. Share it with your friends.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Lawmakers Want Gov. Perry to Rescind Exec. Order on Vaccine

At $360 per vaccination, you must ask yourself, "Qui Bono?" What ties does Perry have with Merck?
Vaccine: Vaccines may be living, weakened strains of viruses or bacteria that intentionally give rise to unapparent-to-trivial infections. Vaccines may also be killed or inactivated organisms or purified products derived from them.
Has the vaccine been properly tested and is enough known about side-effects?

It's been reported on my local news as, "a new law." This is no law and parents are not obligated to comply. Though it is being "sold" in this manner.

Conservatives are angry because this will "promote promiscuity." SEX EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT. Burying your head in the sand will not solve anything. Look up photos of HPV. I will not post the photos of HPV because they are truly gross. If teens learned to recognize HPV, would they have sex with an individual whom they suspected of having HPV?

While liberals must remember that, just like the abortion issue, don't tell a woman what to do with her body.

So who benefits? Merck, of course.

Last thing, why aren't boys being vaccinated against HPV too, so they don't pass it on to girls?

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

We're the Government -- and You're Not

What if the U.S. government released an "educational video" to teach today's Americans how to be good citizens?
Great, great satire laced with biting sarcasm.

A must see!

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Monday, February 05, 2007

How Texas ranks among the 50 states

Depressing news for Texans.

49th in per capita tax revenue raised;

50th in per capita state spending;

47th in average SAT scores;

50th in percentage of population over 25 with high school diploma;

1st in percentage of uninsured children;

1st in percentage of population without health insurance;

49th in percentage of women who vote;

1st in air pollution emissions;

1st in toxic chemicals released into water;

1st in cancer-causing carcinogens released into air;

44th in home ownership rate;

50th in electric bill affordability;

1st in number of executions;

1st in number of gun shows.

Read the rest of the report at Texas Observer.

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Worst Super Bowl Commerical EVER!

WOW, not only do they kiss, but it doesn't look like a Snickers. It looks more like they are racing to munch down a turd.

Then, if that isn't enough, I have to look at the dude's wickedly disgusting chest hair. The guy, then rips some of it of with his bear hands to prove he is a man.

This commercial really does not make me want to eat Snickers. I don't want to be thinking about a dude's sweaty chest hair while I eat my Snickers. It really grosses me out on Snickers, as a matter of fact.

Check it out. Yummy!

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

RE: Super Bowl XLI

I was WRONG.

Rex Grossman just Tony Romo'ed the Bears offense. Brace yourself for a trillion more Peyton commercials. I did, however, vote for Manning for MVP. He earned it.

I was right about one thing, sort of. I did say 24-17, but the 17 part was for the wrong team.

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Super Bowl XLI

All my friends know my prediction already, so I'll just post it here for all to see. My prediction is Bears win 24-17. There it is.


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Friday, February 02, 2007

Fudged Numbers

Dr. Michael Kilpatrick doesn't know how to count. Let's not quibble about what the definition of "is"
" 'Memmer? You 'memmer."
--George Lopez
U.S. Reconfigures the Way Casualty Totals Are Given

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You've Gotta Love the American Soldier

This video is absolutely hilarious. I hope he's healthy and comes home soon.

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"One Trillion Dollars" by Anti-Flag

I went to lunch at a Chinese buffet place today with a friend. My fortune cookie said the following:
"Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation."
This video is appropriate.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

God Bless The Troops

Support the troops. Bring them home.

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The Raw Story Exclusive: House Judiciary Committee will probe Bush torture, Patriot Act statements

House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-MI)asserted the investigation would be aggressive.

Follow though, IMPEACH.

My friend was upset that, according to the Democrats, impeachment was off the table. He wrote this letter to John Conyers.

Hey guys, simply remove me from your list. I no longer support Conyers and I totally disagree with the idea that impeachment is off the table. A president is impeached for a blowjob yet George's father knew about what was going on in Central America and nothing happened to him. I sent you a letter stating that recently and I would appreciate that you respect my opinion. You guys sent out letters to everyone like we're some sort of package deal but we're not- we have our own ideas and agendas and your package is not what I signed up for. Go fuck yourselves, Conyers included, for selling out our government, elected by the people for the people. People don't vote for this very reason. You say one thing but immediately elected you say another. This has been enlightening as well as disturbing. What a piece of shit you guys represent. Again, go fuck yourselves and I would love if you would respond to this letter since you didn't respond to the last one but I doubt you will because you have no justification for going back on your words that you would impeach the president. I would love to show my English class the kind of democracy that exists in America.

I totally agree, brother.

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